Tuesday, February 28, 2012

So I Made A Milk Bread, again.

Soy Milk Bread

I remade the Milk Loaf from 100 Great Breads.  Vegan!

I subbed soy milk and Earth Balance for the milk and butter. Since the Earth Balance is salty I used slightly less salt.

The bread tasted so great!  It's kind of addictive.

This is all that's left of 2 loaves.

If you liked this post, and you want to make it (the bread); come on, baby, let me know.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Amateur Baker Attempts Master Baker Recipe...Ruffies

I tried this recipe recently: http://confectionsofamasterbaker.blogspot.com/2012/02/ruffies.html

I didn't change anything (surprised?) and made my very first toffee.  Making toffee takes a while (ok, it probably didn't but it felt like forever with the constant stirring), but I got to use my candy thermometer for the first time!

Toffee before I shattered it!

Here's what my Ruffies looked like:

I didn't even know they still made Ruffles, but snacking on them while baking brought me back to elementary school.

This video has nothing to do with anything except that I watched this episode today and I love hippos.  If I met a hippo I'd probably be like this.

I'm walking away now and eating some more of the most caloric dessert I've ever made (I'm guessing...I don't count calories because I'm bad at math.)  Ruff ya later!